Risk Management Systems
Optimise Safety, enhance Compliance, minimise Risk
L&A Risk Management Systems strive to enhance Aviation Safety and Operational efficiency by developing fully compliant and reliable software systems. Our Risk Management Systems aim to assist users in Predictive and Proactive Risk Management and Continuous Improvement to ensure safer and sustainable operations. Our eSYSTEMS-S are designed with the dash ‘S’ (-S) simplified philosophy in mind, making our systems comprehensive yet easy to implement and operate.

Aviation Safety Management System
- Fully compliant with ICAO 9859 SMS specification, including all 4 pillars and 12 elements
- Simple to use, comprehensive Aviation Safety Management System
- The System is used by many scheduled and non-scheduled aircraft, drone operators and MROs worldwide
- Create Hazard, Occurrence, and OHSE Reports with ease
- Advanced Risk Management processing and monitoring
- Management of Change (MOC) Process / Safety Cases
- Tracking of Training and Asset Currencies
- Document Explorer, Safety & Quality Auditing
- Emergency Response Management, Exercise Planning and actual Emergency / Crisis management
- Yellow and Red tag messaging

Aviation Safety Management System
- Fully compliant with ICAO 9859 SMS specification, including all 4 pillars and 12 elements
- Simple to use, comprehensive Aviation Safety Management System
- Used by many scheduled and non-scheduled aircraft and drone operators worldwide.
Data-DriveN Safety for Proactive Risk Reduction
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Aviation Management Planning System
Allows the user of an air service provider to have direct and real-time access to information relating to any services provided by the service provider. This information includes, but is not limited to:
- Aircrew information, licence and training currencies Approvals and the expiry dates of applicable details
- Aircraft information and technical information
- Tracking of Aircraft Operator /Airline approvals to operate and maintain aircraft
- Recommending, endorsing and approving of AMPs.
- Yellow (30 days in advance) and Red (expired) alerts regarding the validity of currencies, approvals and certification

Scheduled Airline Assessment System
- This software program provides Clients with direct online access to a list of assessed commercial airlines.
- Assessments undertaken by L&A are compiled from reputable sources including ICAO, the Flight Safety Foundation, and L&A’s eSYSTEMS.
- The eSCHED-S™ program provides three “Tier Levels” of the assessed airlines.
- The program is updated at least monthly, and clients can request additional scheduled airlines to be assessed and included through a simple online request.
- Each individual organisation can personalise the system to view only its preferred commercial airlines.
- This system can be integrated into any organisation's corporate Intranet through APIs, allowing global organisational exposure.
- Organisations can also allow their contracted travel agencies access to reduce ongoing communications in managing the selection of airlines.

Aircraft Occurrence Recording Database
- The database consists of more than 8,700 recorded occurrences.
- The database covers turbine-powered and selected piston-powered fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft types used in commercial aviation.
- This database provides statistical and factual information.
- The system enables filtered searches for date, location, operator, event type, aircraft, and flight type.
- The database covers occurrences from 2019 to 2025, with some older incidents and accidents also included.
- The database is updated weekly and is a concurrent representation of all applicable accidents and serious incidents worldwide.
Aviation Safety, Engineered to Work Smarter
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Auditing & Report Writing System
- The database includes bespoke Master checklists created by the User
- Findings are classified in 3 priority levels, critical, moderate and low. The auditee responds to Findings & Recommendations.
- The Auditor can correspond/communicate with the auditee through individual reports in eREP-S®
- A risk matrix is provided for each Report

Virtual Safety Review Hosting System
- Used by the aircraft operator to remotely assess each auditing question and respond by providing supporting evidence of documentation and implementation.
- Documented evidence, photographs, and video clips can be uploaded in response to questions and supporting implementation records.
- This information forms the basis for compiling any oversight report, whether conducted remotely or on-site.
- The system allows the client to view and monitor all auditing/oversight activities as an observer throughout the process.
- Records all information provided as a permanent record that cannot be removed or deleted once submitted, ensuring traceable information and evidence for future reference.

eTendering Software System
- Issue Invitations to Tender (ITT) on behalf of a client or by the client itself.
- Receive bids in a discrete and confidential platform.
- Align all responses to a specific requirement without allowing misleading cross-pollination between requirements or inaccurate representation.
- Allow bidders to provide focused responses to Tender requirements.
- Provide a literal filter between requirements and responses from multiple bidders.
- Securely evaluate and assess bids with transparency to the ITT Holder only.
- Provide an objective result with relative scoring and ranking.
- Retain responses on the system as a permanent record that cannot be deleted or changed, ensuring simple access to bidders' responses and offers for future reference.
- eTEND-S is simple to use, with high levels of integrity and discretion.
Advancing Aviation Safety – A Digital revolution
Under Development

Safety & Quality Operational Management System
- In-house and remote oversight auditing and oversight functions based on Aerospace and related industry standards.
- Comprehensive auditing/inspection report with automated analysis and closure of findings.
- Aerospace standards referenced: IOGP, BARS, ICAO, ISO 9000, AS9100D:2016, AS9110C:2016, AS9120B:2016, National Regulatory Requirements, Technical Standards, Organisational Specifications, and Policies.
- Identification of anomalies through risk assessment to closure of all audit findings, based on a proven remote/virtual concept.
- Ideal for internal and external auditing and oversight functions.
- Excellent management assurance tool.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Operational Management Software System
- Safety & Quality Organisational Management System developed to optimise operational efficiency and includes Operational and Flight Planning
- Risk Management and event tracking
- Crew and technical management, including training and experience tracking
- Platform Airworthiness and Integrity monitoring
- Comprehensive Maintenance Management, tracking and recording
- Data to Information management.