Aviation Safety Advisors
Safety & Quality specialists
Unwavering commitment to Safety, Quality, innovation, excellence, and continual improvement
Litson and Associates (L&A) offers tailored aviation solutions to suit the specialised needs of OGP, Mining and renewable energy sectors. Our OGP (Oil & Gas) and the Flight Safety Foundation BARS (Resource) Aviation Advisors and Auditors are highly experienced and qualified specialists who have spent their careers in Aviation.
Our comprehensive Safety and Operational reviews ensure regulatory compliance and conformance to Industry best practices. We offer Proactive Risk Management solutions to enable Continuous Improvement in operations. Ultimately, we aim to facilitate the establishment of a robust Safety Culture within an organisation.
L&A also has a footprint in the review and analyses of both Maintenance Repair Organisations and Aviation Distribution Centres (AS9110 and 9120) as well as preparation oversight of Airlines for IOSA conformance.
Aviation Safety Advisors
Litson and Associates offer tailored aviation solutions to suit the specialised needs of OGP, Mining and renewable energy Clients’ needs. Our OGP (Oil & Gas) and the Flight Safety Foundation BARS (Resource) Aviation Advisors and Auditors are highly experienced and qualified professionals who have spent their careers in Aviation.
Our comprehensive Safety and Operational reviews ensure regulatory compliance and conformance to Industry best practices. We offer Proactive Risk Management solutions to enable continuous improvement in operations. Ultimately, we aim to facilitate the establishment of a robust Safety Culture within an organisation.
L&A also has a footprint in the review and analyses of both Maintenance Repair Organisations and Aviation Distribution Centres (AS9110 and 9120) as well as preparation oversight of Airlines for IOSA conformance.
A Wealth Of Experience
L&A’s Aviation Advisors qualifications, experience and skillsets include pilots who are instructors, a CAA designated examiner, helicopter (on and offshore), fixed wing (airline, turboprop and corporate jet), and maintenance, emergency response, airfield and airport specialists.
Comprehensive Services
Litson and Associates (L&A) provides worldwide turn-key Aviation Safety Services to its Clients. These services include the identification of suitable Aircraft Operators, pre-contract audits, ITT preparation, bid evaluation, pre-contract start-up oversight and ongoing Operator operational reviews.
Trusted Advice
L&A recommends annual aircraft operator Operational Reviews to ensure the maintenance of a Client’s required aviation Standards. This can include guidance on airfields, offshore helideck inspections, and the training of client ground personnel (Aviation Coordinators).
Aviation Safety Excellence
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Safety, Operational, Virtual Reviews
Aviation Safety Reviews (audits) are conducted for both scheduled airlines and non-scheduled (charter) aircraft operators, including fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft (both onshore and offshore), as well as RPAS, UAV drone operators. These reviews are conducted on behalf of clients who are currently using or considering using specific charter aircraft operators and airlines.
L&A Risk Management Systems (RMS) has developed a software program called eREVIEW (eREVIEW-S) to facilitate comprehensive virtual Safety Reviews conducted remotely. However, on-site assessments are carried out whenever possible.
L&A’s Aviation Safety Reviews are thorough yet fair, and our reports accurately reflect the current status of an aircraft operator’s management systems.
Aviation Inspections
Our comprehensive Aviation Inspections aim to align compliance with robust safety standards and industry best practices. These on-site assessments include evaluations of infrastructure, approvals, aircraft airworthiness, equipment specification, required documentation, and emergency response capabilities.
We offer comprehensive inspections of:
- All aircraft types
- Airport and airfield facilities
- On-shore helipads/Off-shore helidecks
- RPAS, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)/Drone operations
All L&A inspections are performed against industry-referenced Standards as required by our industry-specific clients. Both compliance and conformance are verified during these inspections.
Aviation Advisory Services
- Aircraft accident investigation
- Creating and/or updating Client aviation standards and policies
- Task Risk Assessments (RAs) including Route and Destination
- Aviation (Journey) Management Plans Management
- Advice regarding structured levels of oil company personnel working with aircraft e.g. Handlers, Supervisors, Business Unit Aviation Focal points, Aviation Specialists
- Invitation To Tenders (ITTs) and Tenders – bid preparation e.g. Scope of Work definitions and bid evaluations
- General Aviation Safety-related advice
Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) Basic Aviation Risk Standard (BARS) Audits

Referenced Aviation Regulations, Standards and Checklists
L&A benchmarks its Aviation Safety Reviews against the Client’s required aviation standards and appropriate National Civil Aviation requirements.
For example:
- IOGP Aircraft Management Guidelines doc. 590
- IOGP Offshore Helicopter Recommended Practices doc. 690 &691
- L&A Global Aviation Standards (rotary wing and fixed-wing)
- Flight Safety Foundation Basic Aviation Risk Standard (BARS)
- IATA Dangerous Goods requirements
- ICAO 9859 Safety Management Manual
- CAP 437 Offshore Helicopter Landing Areas
- ICAO Annex 14 – Vol 1 and Vol 2
- Reference to IOSA
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Litson & Associates Aviation Safety Awards
“The L&A ASA’s are a genuine ‘thank you’ from a company totally dedicated to enhancing the safety of flight everywhere we visit.” – Mike Litson
The L&A ASA programme acknowledges the efforts of small to large airlines, non-scheduled aircraft and UAV drone operators, as well as airfields and offshore helidecks worldwide, through striving to meet ‘international best practice standards’, achieve a superior Standard in their Safety and Quality Management Systems, flight operations and maintenance activities.
The Litson & Associates Global Aviation Standards are a mix of best practices, policies and procedures from internationally recognised Standards in the aircraft charter industry and UAV drone industry and other business and resources sector users of passenger aircraft, such as the Oil & Gas and Mining sectors and Business aviation.

In 2017 L&A introduced the Aviation Safety Award which is designed to identify and reward airlines and non-scheduled aircraft operators who have either consistently met L&A’s required Standards over a two-year or more period of annual Safety Reviews, or who have undergone an L&A ASA Safety Review specifically requested by them, and then successfully addressed and closed any and all Findings under the terms and conditions of the L&A ASA programme.
A Bronze award is awarded to Operators to acknowledge a successfully completed initial Aviation Safety Review, with the first level of the Aviation Safety Award (ASA) being a Silver award, followed by Gold and Diamond levels. The issuance of these certificates is measured against strict predetermined protocols, requirements and prerequisites.
Congratulations to the L&A Aviation Safety Award winners for 2023/2024 and 2024/2025

The Litson & Associates Aviation Safety Awards
Celebrating Aviation Safety Excellence
The Litson & Associate Aviation Safety Award (ASA) recognises the efforts of an airline or non-scheduled aircraft operator who consistently achieves a higher-than-average standard of Safety. Over the years, L&A has identified airlines and non-scheduled aircraft operators in Africa and around the world, who are dedicated to improving their Aviation Operating Standards to achieve safe flight and maintenance operations.

The L&A ASA programme acknowledges the efforts of small to large domestic and regional airlines and charter operators who, through striving to meet ‘international best practice standards’, achieve a superior Standard in their Safety and Quality Management Systems, flight operations and
maintenance activities.
The Litson & Associates Global Aviation Standards are a mix of best practices, policies and procedures from internationally recognised Standards in the aircraft charter industry and other business and resources sector users of passenger aircraft, such as the Oil & Gas and Mining sectors and Business aviation.
In 2017 L&A introduced the Aviation Safety Award which is designed to identify and reward airlines and non-scheduled aircraft operators who have either consistently met L&A’s required Standards over a two-year or more period of annual Safety Reviews, or who have undergone an L&A ASA Safety Review specifically requested by them, and then successfully addressed and closed any and all Findings under the terms and conditions of the L&A ASA programme.
In 2017 L&A introduced the Aviation Safety Award which is designed to identify and reward airlines and non-scheduled aircraft operators who have either consistently met L&A’s required Standards over a two-year or more period of annual Safety Reviews, or who have undergone an L&A ASA Safety Review specifically requested by them, and then successfully addressed and closed any and all Findings under the terms and conditions of the L&A ASA programme.
A Bronze award is awarded to Operators to acknowledge a successfully completed initial Aviation Safety Review, with the first level of the Aviation Safety Award (ASA) being a Silver award, followed by Gold and Diamond levels. The issuance of these certificates is measured against strict predetermined protocols, requirements and prerequisites.
Congratulations to the L&A Aviation Safety Award winners for 2023/2024