Co-ordinator Occupational Health & Safety (COHS)

Duration: 1 Day


One of the principal features of Occupational Health and Safety Legislation is that it provides for a much higher
level of compliance and participation by the employer and employee, in respect of health and safety issues in the
workplace. Within the organisation, a Co-ordinator for Occupational Health and Safety or Base Safety
Representative is the key individual who will enable the organisation to meet these requirements within the area
of ground safety
A coordinator for Occupational Health and Safety Base Safety Representative is now a legal requirement for
aviation organisations in terms of Occupational Health and Safety Legislation
The incumbent operating this position has numerous functions and is a representative in the true sense of the
word, with his/her ultimate objective being the promotion of a safe and healthy working environment


To develop the delegate’s knowledge of the basic principles of Occupational Health and Safety (Ground Safety)
and how it dovetails with Flight Safety.
At the end of the training, delegates will be able to manage and monitor an Occupational Health and Safety
Programme in the workplace in conjunction with the Safety Officer/Manager.

Pre Entry Requirements:

      1. Matric or equivalent senior school qualification or recognition of prior learning
      2. Good communication both in written and spoken English

Programme Duration:

3 days

Modules covered:

Welcome, Registration and Introduction

  1. SMS Awareness
  2. Acts, Regulations and Responsibilities
  3. Health and Safety Representatives and Committees
  4. Hazardous Chemical Substances and Dangerous Goods
  5. Occupational Safety and Contractor Management
  6. Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment
  7. Planned and Critical Task Observations
  8. Environmental Management
  9. Occupational Health
  10. Introduction to Ergonomics and Occupational Hygiene
  11. Incident and Accident Reporting and Investigation
  12. Hazard Identification and Risk Management
  13. Practical: Planned Inspections and Risk Assessment

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Please note we require a minimum of 2 years of Aviation experience to attend our courses.